2024 Seaside Travel Guide

Treasure Quest 2024 The Treasure All participants (one entry per household) who bring, mail or email a completed copy of their correct answers to the Seaside Visitors Bureau will receive a one-of-akind, limited-edition Seaside patch. Mailed entries must include a correct address where the patch can be sent. Limit one per household. Send ONE ENTRY PER HOUSEHOLD (include your name, address, daytime phone number and email address) to Seaside Treasure Quest, c/o Seaside Visitors Bureau, 989 Broadway, Seaside, OR 97138, or email your entry to info@seasideOR.com. The Rules ■ Match the clues pictured here with the real thing. All items can be found in Seaside. Think attractions, monuments, dining and shopping. Most items pictured should be outdoors, but you will need to exit your car to find them. Certain items may only be visible from a specific direction. ■ We strive for accuracy, but if a quest item has been damaged or removed, or if picture lighting is inconsistent (depending on time of day), we apologize for any frustration this may cause. ■ Identify the location of each clue: description of location and/or street address (if possible), name of the building or park, etc. Those with photographic memory will recall this used to be a parking lot.The rest of us will just see the surfer vibes, fire pit and open-air seating. These whales point one way. Nearby you’ll find a densely forested trail that points another. If all else fails, seek out the road that goes nowhere. Look to the door. But first find the new spot that also happens to be a homophone of the word you say when taking family photos. B E The south end of the Prom has so much to see (and so many places to stay). If you see exactly this, though, you’re standing too close inn. A D Think back to a time before unlimited data plans, before high-speed fiber optics and before you’ve had any caffeine … where would you be? C F Time for a rest! To accomplish this and finish your test, firmly plant yourself on this charming bench outside a famous Seaside cottage and garden. Don’t despair, all ye Treasure Questers! We’ve got an all-new puzzle here that will have you scurrying from one end of Seaside to the other. Bring a friend or three and make some lifelong memories together as you seek out these six mystery locations. seasideOR.com 35