Hawaii Parent Jan-Feb 2025

in inner child work to guide and support your journey. Their support can make the experience more approachable and effective, helping to free you from the limiting beliefs of your subconscious and guide you toward a path of healing and self-discovery. and pains of your inner child. How are you feeling? Are you stressed, anxious, angry, or lonely? Then, ask yourself: how can I validate and reassure you? If you find these exercises to be overwhelming, consider working with a therapist who specializes Karen K.C. Gibson, a mother and family/parent coach, founded “Letting Go with Aloha” in 2020 and recorded 100 parenting tips during the pandemic, leading to her book “One Hundred Parenting Tips Inspired by the Pandemic.” She also authored “Mama’s Gotta Let Go: How to Let Go without Losing Your Sanity,” providing parents guidance on peaceful parenting. Since 1999, she has offered private tutoring through her company, Brain Builders, and coauthored “The Power to Rise Above,” a collection of personal stories from 29 women worldwide. Learn more by visiting her websites: karenthebrainbuilder.com and LettingGowithAloha.com. “Imagine meeting a younger version of yourself at a peaceful and familiar location.” 98 HAWAII PARENT January/February 2025 Sharing childhood memories with others can help to provide new insights into our experiences.