Hawaii Parent Jan-Feb 2025

TODDLER AND PRESCHOOLER PRESENTS Toddlers and preschoolers are already beginning to grow up too quickly. Gifts that are fun, stimulate learning and creativity, and allow for individual growth and even challenges are promising ideas. Games like floor puzzles or Guess Who can promote communication, and more books, like popup books for toddlers, or easy chapter books for older preschoolers, can help children to be ready to start Kindergarten. Toys that encourage imagination or creativity are great for this age. Art easels equipped with washable markers, paper, paints and more are a source of fun and learning and can be used for years if high quality. Puppets or pretend food help to stimulate little imaginations and can be used alone or with playmates. Little girls adore dress-up kits. teething. Some popular teething presents are amber teething beads, reported to soothe teething pains and made with safety measures against choking. Sophie giraffe toys are popular high-quality teething toys with beautiful colors. Bath time and bedtime toys are also fun presents. Young ones will enjoy shapes of all sizes, toy boats, and rubber ducks in the bath. For bedtime, books are excellent for babies and beyond and are essential for language and social development. For short attention spans, board books with vibrant pictures and interactive elements are best. Do not forget the parents. It is also appropriate to buy a needed necessity for mom and dad, such as a new car seat or highchair, or even a personalized gift like a retreat to a spa, which is sure to be enjoyed after baby’s first year. 76 HAWAII PARENT January/February 2025 “Do not be afraid to ask children or the parents what the child likes best.” In the long run, no present will compare to the priceless time spent together.