Hawaii Parent Jan-Feb 2025

148 HAWAII PARENT January/February 2025 bers, a director and 4 designers all working toward a successful production. Now, imagine if they all started complaining about their personal problems – from financial woes to the fender bender they just got into; from the tooth ache they woke up with to an unexpected death in the family. People face problems in their life every day, the constant ups and downs of reality. Ironically, theatre often present stories about the human struggle with such problems in life. As they say “the show must go on” and to do so, one must not bring their personal strife into the theatre. After the show or rehearsal, one can confide with another and talk about their life. What will eventually happen is that one will realize that everyone has problems they are going through and in the theatre world, people tend to pick up one another and not allow life to get them down. It is truly one of the remarkable traits of being in the performing arts world. Treat everyone with respect, especially those lending a helping hand. As stated previously, there are many aspects of theatre that require collaboration and teamwork for the success of the production itself. This translates to the many people who are responsible and involved with that team aspect of the performing arts. Theater breeds respect for all involved, even the less visible cast members. It teaches performers how to respect everyone equally from the person sewing a button, to the custodian cleaning the theatrical space and all the way to the stage manager putting the show together all. There is no difference between all these people, they all equally contribute to the show’s success and are equally respected. Don’t let the problems of everyday life get you down. “Leave your personal problems at the door” is an important concept in theatre. Imagine a cast of 25 with 10 crew memBehind the scenes at Mo‘olelo Studios, where respect, teamwork, and perseverance come together. These lessons extend far beyond the stage, preparing students for success in all aspects of life. “Theatre teaches respect for every role and to rise above personal struggles—because the show must go on.”