Hawaii Parent Jan-Feb 2025

106 HAWAII PARENT January/February 2025 It is important to make teeth brushing a part of your toddler’s routine. dental referral (if not already being seen by a dentist),” explains Dr. Diep. How can I help alleviate my child’s teething discomfort? Is the tooth fairy already preparing to visit your child’s pillow? Then your child might be experiencing teething pains, and there are safe actions parents can take to alleviate their child’s discomfort. “When babies are teething, cold things usually help make them feel better. Parents can try to wipe the gums with cool washcloths. They can also use teething rings – even putting them in the refrigerator. Popsicles also can help,” says Dr. Diep. “Other methods include massaging the gums with a clean finger and, if necessary, giving pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.” What shouldn’t parents do for teething? Some social media buzzes to help with teething are not always recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), such as teething necklaces or beads and teething gels. “The teething necklaces or bead strings may break off and are a choking hazard for babies,” explains Dr. Diep. “The teething gels often contain benzocaine or lidocaine, which are topical anesthetics and are absorbed through the gums. This can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia which presents as pale, grey, or “The teething necklaces or bead strings may break off and are a choking hazard for babies.”