dy is free, effective and making a comeback with kids of all ages. Getting Started with the Read Aloud Revival To really get the Read Aloud Revival (RAR) experience, begin by visiting www.readaloudrevival.com. Here, families can access more than 100 podcasts featuring Sarah and her guest writers, illustrators and educators, as well as the blog that began her movement. Addressing Common Questions Drawing from her years of research, interviews, and personal experience, Sarah was willing to answer a few questions that still lingered for me: “Is it cheating to read school assignments aloud with your child?” “No – reading aloud could actually be preferred. Let’s flip the paradigm that reading to yourself is a higher intellectual exercise. (When you read aloud) the child is actively engaged with the story and content.” Tips for Non-English Speakers “Hawaii has the highest proportion of non-English speakers in the nation. Should families shy away from reading aloud if they can’t read in English?” “You have to think through the goal. The most important (reason to read aloud) is to connect with our children, to create those shared memories. Share stories and talk with your kids in whatever language you do that in best.” Making Reading Enjoyable at Home How can we help a child to love reading when we can’t erase the connection between reading and school? “When reading at home together, make sure the experience is full of delight – funny just for the heck of it. You can control how you interact with your child about books and aim for delight infused reading.” Bonding with your child is as simple as reading a great storybook. 146 HAWAII PARENT September/October 2024 “Families can access more than 100 podcasts featuring Sarah and her guest writers, illustrators and educators.”