This group of fifth graders recreated the signing of the Declaration of Independence, complete with a rap performance. “With PBL, it’s essential to embrace the student-driven nature of the approach. As teachers, we act as facilitators rather than directors. We stay open to our students’ ingenuity and creativity and remember that the most valuable learning occurs during the process, not just in the final product. This mindset fosters a dynamic and engaging learning environment where students take ownership of their education,” shares Uesugi. “Ultimately, the PBL approach is aimed to inspire a lifelong curiosity while equipping students with essential skills that they can use throughout their lives.” For parents seeking an enriching, future-ready education for their children, IPA’s commitment to PBL offers a compelling reason to consider enrolling. By emphasizing real-world applications and hands-on learning, the school ensures that students are not only knowledgeable but also skilled, confident, and ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. hoped to empower students to ask meaningful questions, understand diverse perspectives, and appreciate history as dynamic and evolving.” IPA’s investment in PBL, and its commitment to transforming education into a dynamic, engaging, and deeply enriching experience, is paying big dividends for its students and families. “I’ve had students from years past tell me that the American Revolution Museum is what they remember most from fifth grade. Oftentimes, they can recall in detail what their project was and what they learned, which is amazing!” says Villaluz. Visitors to the museum are invariably impressed with the level of quality of the exhibits and the knowledge the students display. “One parent said to me, ‘I knew that the students were making projects, but I never imagined it would be like this! I wish I were in fifth grade!’,” shares Villaluz. 114 HAWAII PARENT September/October 2024 “This mindset fosters a dynamic and engaging learning environment where students take ownership of their education.”