The Link Winter 2025

Alliance Members and Friends: By the time you read this, the first session of the 34th Alaska Legislature will have begun. Your Alliance Board of Directors has chosen the following legislative policy priorities for the session: n Cook Inlet Gas Supply: Support policies that will spur future exploration, development and security of supply in Cook Inlet Gas. n Workforce Development: Support legislation and administrative efforts focused on attracting and maintaining a quality workforce for the resource development industry in Alaska. n Dalton Highway: Support a long-term funding plan to maintain and improve the Dalton Highway n Implementation of Ballot Measure 1: Support appropriations and regulations that focus on working with Alaska businesses to help them implement new paid sick leave and employee meeting requirements. n Strengthen the Private Sector: Oppose legislation, regulations or other activities that create unreasonable strain on Alaska businesses. In addition, we will be monitoring legislation as it is introduced and plan to continually update you through our weekly Leg Link communication on any bills that we are officially supporting or opposing. Hot Topic: The Department of Labor has begun work on the regulations that will guide employers as they implement the requirements of Ballot Measure 1 — minimum wage increases, paid sick leave and employee meetings. We are monitoring that process and will be asking employers to participate in providing public comments when the draft regulations are posted. This will be the best opportunity for you to get clarification on the very broad, poorly written legislation that was Ballot Measure 1. I’m hoping that when you do read this, President Trump will have been inaugurated and we have seen multiple executive orders that reverse the previous administration actions against our oil, gas and mining industries in Alaska. Can’t think of a better way to start 2025! Hope to see you soon at one of our events. Respectfully, Rebecca Logan CEO THE LINK: WINTER 2025 8 Alaska legislative priorities we’re supporting this session Message From CEO Rebecca Logan