The Alaska Miner Summer 24

ONENTON PONO HP FO M N A A D PON O NFO MAT ON AMA ONENTON PONO HP EE COMPANY: CONTACT NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: METHOD OF PAYMENT INVOICE ME Mailing address if di erent from above: CHECK Check Number: CREDIT CARD Card Number: Expiration date: Security Code/CID: Billing Address if di erent from above: Signature: Date: Please return completed forms to or fax to 907-563-9225 Thank you for your generous support! Your sponsorship dollars allow AMA to continue to advocate for & promote responsible mineral development in the state of Alaska year-round. $5,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $10,000 Gravel Sponsor Presenting Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Copper Sponsor Coal Sponsor $_____