www.AlaskaMiners.org 27 Alaska mining vital at state, global levels Photo by Lee Leschper AMA Executive Director Deantha Skibinski explains the 2023 McKinley Report on Alaska Economic Benefits to AMA members at the 85th Anniversary Celebration on Aug. 4 in Anchorage. See the full report on the following pages and online at www.alaskaminers.org/economic-benefits. Each year AMA commissions the McKinley Research Group to research the economic impact of Mining in Alaska. Continued investments by the mining industry ensure Alaska’s continued economic growth. It’s also important not just that we know how important that we to Alaska, but that we share it with our friends, our families, and especially those outside the industry, who benefit every day from what we do, but don’t understand it. Mining is a growing force in Alaska’s economy, providing jobs for thousands of Alaskans and millions of dollars of personal income throughout Alaska. Alaska’s mining industry includes exploration, mine development, and mineral production. Alaska’s mines produce coal, gold, lead, silver, zinc, as well as construction materials, such as sand, gravel, and rock. In 2023, Alaska’s mining industry provided: n 11,800 total direct and indirect jobs attributed to Alaska mining industry. n Charitable contributions to approximately 250 Alaska non-profits. n $5.7 million in contributions. n $1.1 billion spent on goods and services with 450+ Alaska businesses. n $1.1 billion in wages statewide n 72 percent of the workers at our six large mines are Alaska residents n Mining employees live in approximately 90 communities throughout Alaska Please share this good news! To read the current Economic Impact Report for Mining in Alaska to www.alaskaminers.org/economic-benefits. 2023 Alaska Mining Economic Benefits Report