Punch Magazine Feb 2025

Gloria Young Lic. #01895672 +1 650.380.9918 Gloria@YoungPlatinumGroup.com YoungPlatinumGroup.com John Young Lic. #02036387 +1 650.862.2122 John@YoungPlatinumGroup.com YoungPlatinumGroup.com For informational purposes only. Data may include inaccuracies due to the timing of reporting, input, or processing errors. Each office is independently owned and operated. Ranked among America’s Best and the Top 1% of Realtors Nationwide ABOUT US: YOUNG PLATINUM GROUP Y Because homes sell for more when we invest in making them look great. And we like making money for you. We front up to $200,000 to transform your home. And we pay for the first month of staging. And inspections. Clients draw on our experience developing $100 million worth of beautiful homes — we know how to make yours shine. To maximize your sale in 2025, call 650.862.2122 today Why do we advance $200,000? $110,000 INVESTED FOR $1,050,000 RETURN $33,000 INVESTED FOR $175,000 RETURN SOLD OFF-MARKET FOR $7,800,000