Gloria Young Lic. #01895672 +1 650.380.9918 John Young Lic. #02036387 +1 650.862.2122 For informational purposes only. Data may include inaccuracies due to the timing of reporting, input, or processing errors. Each office is independently owned and operated. Ranked among America’s Best and the Top 1% of Realtors Nationwide SCAN FOR MORE INFO: YOUNG PLATINUM GROUP Y Let us show you the best of times. PHOTO CREDIT: IAN COLEMAN PHOTO CREDIT: DAVID EICHLER It was the buyer’s time, it was the seller’s time, it was the age of wise Realtors, it was the age of foolish discount shops, it was the epoch of achieving highest price for the seller, it was the epoch of achieving greatest value for the buyer, it was Forest Avenue in Palo Alto, it was the same place a block away only 8 months later... A Tale of Two Forests The Seller’s Story 1382 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto · August 2023 HOUSE: 3,230 SQ FT LOT: 8,284 SQ FT SALE PRICE: $7,800,000 $2,415/SF The Buyer’s Story 1130 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto · April 2024 HOUSE: 4,147 SQ FT LOT: 10,454 SQ FT SALE PRICE: $6,700,000 $1,615/SF