78 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM {home & design} QUILTING patchwork passion words by JENNIFER JORY photography by GINO DE GRANDIS munal aspect of quilting, though at the same time she finds sewing meditative and therapeutic. “I need to sew every day, even if it is hand-sewing,” she says. “It feeds my soul. It’s like the need for food and sleep. It makes me happy, a better person and a better mom.” Her work spans a wide range of styles and many of her quilts double as art pieces with motifs running from traditional to contemporary to retro. Both the San Francisco Quilters Guild and the San Mateo County Fair have recognized her work with awards over the past few years. The inception of Dana’s business began while she was teaching at a sewing shop that closed during the pandemic. Recognizing the need for quilters Local quilter Dana Miller sees patterns everywhere. Flooring, architecture and nature are all fair game. Strolling through her Pacifica studio is like touring an art gallery with colorful, geometric and intricately designed quilts showcased on every wall bearing titles like “Bauhaus” and “Melrose Penny.” “There is something about quilting that is like doing a puzzle,” Dana describes. “You’re cutting it all up in little pieces, following a pattern and puzzling it all back together. It is like art, yet functional and holds memories.” Through her passion for quilting, Dana brings her innovative creations to life, while weaving together a like-minded community at Coastside Quilt Studio in Pacifica. Dana cherishes the comto have a space to work, connect and buy supplies, she started to formulate her plan. “I realized there wasn’t a community space anymore where groups were getting to know one another,” she recalls. Dana was also getting busier, receiving increasing requests for custom quilts, and her small home studio overflowed with the growing workload. So over a year and a half ago, she opened Coastside Quilt Studio to offer a hub for quilters in a light-filled space in Pacifica. Dana credits the support of her husband Doug, who helps with their busy household of three