Punch Mag Nov 24

104 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM asked all sections but one to play more softly, “All of a sudden, what sounded like chaos made perfect sense. It all came together,” says Jeff, adding, “He can deconstruct the most difficult passages.” THE SECRET LANGUAGE People often ask whether the conductor is really necessary. “Aren’t the musicians just looking at their music anyway?” “It’s an exercise in nonverbal communication,” explains the maestro. “Not entirely, because at rehearsals, we talk. But the less you talk, the more efficient the rehearsal." They develop a shared nonverbal language, a visual shorthand that is partly learned, partly intuitive. Mitch honors those who understand that language, perceiving its layers and nuances. He also possesses an immediate way of commanding respect without harshness. “He’s deeply respectful of the musicians,” Jeff explains. In middle of all this incredible sound.” Mitch’s amazing consistency in score interpretation elicits great trust. Jeff recalls Peninsula Symphony rehearsing a piece that, on first run-through, sounded discordant, as if they’d played the wrong notes. When Mitch rehearsals, Mitch will compliment a soloist or section when they’re doing particularly well. With years of conducting experience worldwide, Mitch gets instant deference wherever he directs. When jazz pianists David Benoit and Grammy-winner Taylor Eigsti came to perform with Peninsula Symphony, the musicians felt nervous, Jeff admits. “With the guest artists, we usually get two rehearsals, so we really need to be on top of things.” When Mitch came out, he had complete command and genuine relationships with the musicians, whom most had only seen on album covers. “He put everybody at ease, right from the start,” Jeff says. UP THE SCALE Almost from his start with Peninsula Symphony, Mitch has been instrumental as the director of the Irving M. Klein International String Competition in San Francisco, watching many winners go on to vibrant musical careers. Q&A SEVEN QUESTIONS WITH MAESTRO KLEIN Family life? Married to Patti 40-plus years, after meeting in an orchestra. We have two energetic grandsons. Instruments played? Cello and piano Time with Peninsula Symphony? 40 years Favorite concert venue? Dvořák Hall in Prague Career crescendo? Our first Peninsula Symphony concerts in October 2021 after the very difficult Covid year. Getting the orchestra together and performing for our wonderful audience was very renewing and exhilarating. Crunchy or creamy? Definitely crunchy. Crunchy as a generalization in life is much nicer than creamy. Skateboarding? Never tried skateboarding. I try to do a lot of walking and hiking, especially in places like Point Reyes, the San Mateo County coast and the East Bay Parks. Orchestrating Magic