New Homes March 2025

Our TOp picks! BesT New HOmes aT every price | NEW HOMES | 51 VISIT ONE OF OUR 8 LOCATIONS! Los Gatos 720 Blossom Hill Road at Los Gatos Blvd. Kings Court Shopping Center Phone: (408) 358-1731 Belmont 1085 Alameda de las Pulgas at Ralston Avenue - Carlmont Village Phone: (650) 591-5768 San Jose - Meridian 4650 Meridian at Branham Lane Meridian Park Plaza Phone: (408) 265-9101 San Jose - Bascom 2666 S. Bascom Ave. Between Union and Curtner Phone: (408) 377-6661 San Bruno 2801 San Bruno Ave. Corner of San Bruno & Skyline Blvd. Phone: (650) 952-2851 Danville 345 Railroad Ave. Iron Horse Plaza Phone: (925) 855-8920 Burlingame 1825 El Camino Real At Trousdale Drive Burlingame Plaza Phone: (650) 697-5306 Walnut Creek 1600 Palos Verdes Mall Geary & Pleasant Hill Road Phone: (925) 939-6477 FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK COME Shopping with us! Join us on Instagram & Facebook and check out our videos, recipes and more! JOIN THE LUNARDI’S CLUB! Receive a special offer on your birthday! SIGN UP ON OUR WEBSITE @ WWW.LUNARDIS.COM OR SCAN THE QR CODE