84 “The Yakima Valley is very fortunate to host several WIAA State Championships each school year. WIAA events bring athletes, coaches, and fans to our community from all over the state. The Sports Commission staff has a great relationship with the WIAA staff and executive board as well as many athletic directors. We will do everything we can to make their time in the Yakima Valley, and their State experience, the best it can be.” RICH AUSTIN, DIRECTOR OF THE YAKIMA VALLEY SPORTS COMMISSION The Yakima Valley Sports Commission’s dedication to high school sports has attracted WIAA events and turned Yakima into the “Championship City.” The community hosts WIAA State Tourneys in basketball, dance/drill, volleyball, tennis, baseball, fastpitch softball, slowpitch softball and track and field. The Yakima Valley is where the rest of Washington State comes to play sports. Athletes and event organizers throughout the Pacific Northwest appreciate the Yakima Valley for its outstanding sports venues, convenient location, supportive lodging community, engaged sports commission and terrific weather. MAJOR SPORTS FACILITIES The Valley has some of the best multi-purpose venues in Washington State. The Yakima Valley Sports Commission is always on hand to assist event organizers with planning, including serving as a liason with the lodging community. 1. Sozo Sports Complex (9 grass and 4 turf multi-purpose fields) 2. Yakima Valley SunDome (Multi-purpose facility) 3. Gateway Sports Complex (7 softball and youth baseball fields) 4. Carlon Park • Selah (4 softball and youth baseball fields) 5. Yakima County Stadium (Home of the Yakima Valley Pippins) 6. Parker-Faller Field (Home of YVC and American Legion baseball) 7. Wood Field • Selah (Home of American Legion baseball) 8. Chesterley Park (6 soccer fields) 9. Yakima Tennis Club (9 outdoor courts and 8 indoor courts) 10. Apple Tree Golf Course (A premier PNW golf destination) Learn more at YakimaSports.org or 509-575-3010 S Naches Rd S 72nd Ave Wide Hollow Rd Young Grade Rd Ahtanum Rd Sorenson Rd W Ahtanum Rd W Valley Mall Blvd Nob Hill Blvd Pacific Ave Nob Hill Blvd 16th Ave 40th Ave 40th Ave 16th Ave 38th Ave 64th Ave 36th Ave 3rd Ave 3rd Ave Fair Ave 18th St 5th Ave 16th Ave 1st St 1st St Tieton Dr Lincoln Ave Fruitvale Blvd Fruitvale Blvd Goodlander Rd I St Lincoln Ave Summitview Ave Yakima Ave Maple St Main St S 1st St N 1st St Washington Ave Terrace Heights Dr Washington Ave Valley Mall Blvd "31 "29 "34 "36 "33B "33A 82 82 24 12 821 "16th Exit "40th Exit 1 10 8 9 6 2 5 3 7 4 YAKIMA UNION GAP SELAH N YAKIMA VALLEYSPORTS YAKIMA VALLEY SPORTS COMMISSION THE YAKIMA VALLEY HOSTS 33 WIAA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS