Yakima Valley Travel 2025

40 YAKIMA VALLEY WATERWAYS MOUNTAIN LAKES Take the short drive from Yakima along Highway 12 or Highway 410 for adventures on pristine mountain lakes with picture-perfect views. • Rimrock Lake’s expansive, clear blue waters are easily explored by SUP, kayak or boat. Anglers find kokanee and rainbow trout in the cool waters. • Clear Lake is a much smaller, peaceful lake for only nonmotorized craft, perfect for learning SUP. Pack a picnic for the day use area. Fishing is open year-round. • Bumping Lake is perfect for a day-long excursion from Yakima. It’s a popular place for boating, fishing and paddling, along with trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding. With the Yakima Valley’s reliably sunny skies come summertime highs. Six rivers and dozens of lakes and ponds all around the Yakima Valley mean you’ll find plenty of places to keep cool, whether fishing, floating, boating or paddling is your preference. YAKIMA RIVER Renowned as Washington State’s only blue-ribbon trout stream, the Yakima River is also a popular place for paddling and leisurely floats surrounded by the canyon’s dramatic basalt formations. • Make Red’s Fly Shop your go-to stop for gear, guided fishing trips, classes and one-of-a-kind River Cruise tours. • Check out Rill Adventures for kayak, SUP and raft rentals, along with guided trips on the Yakima River. • Girls with Grit offers unique SUP clinics on the Yakima River and nearby waterways. TIETON RIVER Best known for the Tieton Flip Flop, the river becomes a destination for adventure seekers looking to ride racing rapids every September. That month, when water is released from the Rimrock Lake reservoir, the river transforms into popular class III+ rapids. FISH, FLOAT & PADDLE aYAKIMA RIVER CANYON CRUISES Photo by Shannon Mahre aRIMROCK LAKE Photo by Shannon Mahre OUTDOOR ADVENTURE