Part # Price 017488 $36.85 RAILS STAINLESS STEEL FLAT END CAP FLAT CORNER ELBOW FLAT INLINE RAIL SPLICE FLAT ADJUSTABLE CONNECTOR ST. MARTIN POST ASSEMBLIES Part # Price 017501 $15.95 Part # Price 017471 $58.25 Part # Price 017495 $25.85 Part # Height Price 711187 36” $427.35 017549 42” $439.45 Includes: lea post, lea wleded base plate, lea welded top plate, lea cover plate For stainless maintenance products see page 65. “We added the cable railing system to our new retail location. Customers (and we) love the clean look and the ability to see items through the railing. The system is sturdy and secure to keep the curious little ones safe. We have had many requests from customers wanting to know where our system was purchased.” – Michele & Kraig, Granville, OH STAINLESSCABLERAILING.COM | 877.560.9545 | 79