In Search of Optimism The article “How to Keep Hope Alive” in the latest edition of Oregon Stater reminded me that, in 2017, I really needed to find more hope in the world. There was, and still is, so much to worry about locally and globally. I decided to look for signs of hope. I asked myself: What has given me the most hope in the last year? My answer was the Oregon State University alumni magazine. I made a commitment to read every issue and have for the past seven years. I am grateful my hope keeps growing as I read about progress in so many areas. Thank you beyond measure. —MARGALLEE JAMES, ’ 7 1 Strike up the Band I really enjoyed the article about the OSU Marching Band. It was thoughtful, exciting and complete. It’s amazing what the article shows about the band in general and the specific members, how they practice and how they perform. I enjoyed my years as a member and then as an alumni member. We were under the direction of Dr. James Douglass. Thank you. —JOHN R. BARBER, ’ 70 Your recent article on the OSU Marching Band was excellent! Oh, how I yearn for TV networks to show the halftime shows. Perhaps you could forward your article to the networks! —NANCY ADAMS LAYTON, ’62 There are two memories every Beaver football player remembers: the first time and last time they ran down the ramp to the stadium with the Beaver Marching Band playing the fight song. Along overdue thank you for the memories. —JEFF KOLBERG, ’ 73 Recipe Reactions I’ve been loving the inclusion of food and recipes in the Oregon Stater recently. I noticed the obitKEEPING HOPE ALIVE The fall “Optimism Issue” — complete with cover photo and Backstory tale of Oregon’s Smiley Face Hill — succeeded in inspiring some grins. One self-professed “smiley face nut” called in to ask how she could get a hold of our cover photo. However, it was “Behind the Band” — our insider’s look at what game day is like for marching band performers — that seemed to strike a chord with readers. Don’t miss the Stater’s companion video story about the band at 8 L E t t E R S DAVE KILLEN, THE OREGONIAN