OSU - Stater - Spring 2024

6 ForOregonState.org/Stater L E T T E R S Kudos Loved the rticle by C thleen Hockm n-Wert bout sh rks. O course, the topic w s winner, but her style kept me re ding beginning to end in nticip tion o wh t she w s going to do next. Tell her th nks. DAVID BEACH, ’67 John V lv ’s he rt elt rticle [“When Be vers nite”] in the l test Oregon Stater put into words ex ctly wh t I w s eeling! Th nk you, John! SUZIE WALKER, BEAVER MOM, 20142018 Beneath the Trees Accredit tion s Level II rboretum or the OS c mpus [ s described in “Br nch Out”] is n especi lly oyous event to me. My gr nd- ther E. P. J ckson w s n e rly vision ry reg rding the development o Oregon St te’s c mpus s pl ce o exquisite be uty. While n undergr du te (cl ss o 1904), he person lly dug the holes nd pl nted multiple trees on c mpus, including t le st some th t currently r me the p thw ys through n e stern portion o c mpus grounds between Monroe nd Je erson. A ter he gr du ted nd met my gr ndmother Edith H ll, they returned to Corv llis, nd he worked s n engineering culty member. L ter, s the superintendent o buildings, he ch mpioned the concept o red brick c des on the c mpus buildings to cre te the cl ssic look commonly seen t upsc le e stern universities. He w s extensively involved with the design nd construction o e rly c mpus buildings. My gr nd ther’s vision is now re- lity bec use Oregon St te niversity is truly be uti ul c mpus. JUDY (LARSON) STROJNY, ’69 Snows Past Wow, the rticle “The Big Snow” in the Winter 2024 Oregon Stater brought b ck some memories or me. Some o us in McN ry H ll AJAWSOME ISSUE A ter the winter issue re ched m ilboxes, re ders wrote in to pr ise C thleen Hockm n-Wert’s story bout the Big Fish L b’s sh rk rese rch, to sh re memories o “The Big Snow” o 1969 nd to commiser te bout the current st te o college sports. Kip C rlson discussed “The First Time the Western Con erence Fell” on ir with Mike P rker nd Jon W rren o the Joe Be ver Show. And Doug Wells, ’71, member o the 1967 Gi nt Killers, sent us this quick tip or d pting P c-12 b seb ll c p to fit the new re lity: Bl ck out the 1, he s ys, so the writing more ccur tely re ds “P c-2.” COVER: ILLUSTRATION BY TIM O’BRIEN