professional development. Their mini-research experience included the use of the Optical Coherence Tomography imaging system. By using light waves to capture high-resolution images, this tool allowed students to visualize various objects. Students spent the remaining 40 % of their time on professional development. One camper happily reported: “The workshops and the stories that the peer mentors told us were the most valuable because it helped us relate to their experiences. This made me feel more confident because if they could do it, then I could do it too.” Paid research for undergrads removes barriers Lexie Swisher, a biochemistry and molecular biology major, faced a dilemma: Work to afford rent or engage in unpaid research. The College of Science’s new Launching Undergraduate Research Experiences program addresses such situations by paying students for research, providing valuable learning opportunities. This support allowed Swisher to be paid for her lab work and focus on her Honors thesis, studying ostreid herpesvirus in Pacific oysters. The experience enriched her scientific knowledge, empowered her pursuit of genetics, teaching and accessible research, while significantly bolstering her resume for post-baccalaureate research at the National Institutes of Health. Hands-on learning for our future scientists For two days, Oregon State welcomed over 1,000 elementary students to experience the thrills of science outside the classroom. Discovery Days, a biannual outreach event sponsored by the College of Science, brimmed with activities for kids to enjoy while they met OSU students eager to share their enthusiasm for STEM. Whether setting up their own hydraulics model or discovering which mammal has the thickest fur, students were delighted by Discovery Days. Clubs and organizations from within Oregon State put together a unique spread of activities for students to choose from. IMPACT FALL 2024 11