Maui Concierge - Mahana - 2024

THE LEGEND OF MAUI Of all the islands and cultures strewn across the vast Pacific ocean there is only one that bears the name of the deity who slowed the sun, raised the islands from the deep, and defended the right of mankind to live upon this world. Of course, here on the island of Maui, we feel a sense of ownership of this name and legacy. O‘ahu also claims Maui as their own, as do other islands and island groups throughout the Pacific. In fact, the legends of a great being named Maui go as far back as the Philippines, speaking to how far back in the distant past these stories go. Most of the legends of Maui start with a problem or trouble being presented to him, often by his mother. He then seeks advice from an elder, for they hold the wisdom. As he goes forth to conquer this foe or solve his problem he does so not for fame and glory, but for the betterment of society and the families around him.