RECREATE RESPONSIBLY Please plan ahead before visiting Hood River County. With increased visitation, our limited resources may affect travel. Respect the requests of individual businesses and property owners, and most of all, be kind. To learn more about the pledge to recreate responsibly, visit Take-Care-Out-There-Hood-River. • Always have a Plan B and a Plan C in case your destination is too crowded or closed. • Plan to arrive at popular trails and landmarks early in the day. To check current traffic conditions, visit • If you’re partaking in adult beverages, be sure to arrange alternative transportation. • Be mindful of traffic and private property when you pull over to take a photo at any scenic location. • We love pets, so please help us welcome them by bringing them only to petfriendly places, picking up all their waste and observing leash laws. Outdoor adventures are the heart of who we are in Hood River County. Be safe and prepared when you set out to explore. Or just leave the planning to one of our professional outdoor guides for adventures like fishing, rafting or bike tours. • Make sure you’re properly equipped with all the gear and knowledge you need to be safe and successful in the water, on mountain trails and in the snow. • For updated information about trails, visit the Friends of the Columbia Gorge conservation group’s website (GorgeFriends. org) or check out a chart of open and closed trails at ReadySetGOrge! ( • Fully investigate river currents before you enter the water, and carry required safety equipment and permits. • Leave campsites and trails better than you found them. Pack out garbage. • If you venture into the backcountry, always tell someone where you’ll be going. Your Best Friend for Real Estate in the Gorge! Looking for a great place to live? Consider Hood River & The Columbia River Gorge! Carol Annala | 541-490-5099 Licensed in OR & WA 47