Oregon Home Winter 24-25

52 | Oregon Home Fireresistant Natives Plants can be beautiful and resist fire. Rethink your yard with high-moisture plants well suited to the Pacific Northwest. RED-TWIG DOGWOOD A deciduous shrub that adds vibrant red color in winter. KINNIKINNICK A low-growing, evergreen groundcover with dense, waxy leaves. LUPINE A hardy, fire-resistant perennial that grows well in full sun, with striking blue and purple flowers. SWORD FERN A moisture-loving, evergreen fern native. BITTERBRUSH A hardy, drought-tolerant native shrub that can help slow the spread of fire while offering wildlife habitat. OREGON GRAPE An evergreen shrub with thick, leathery leaves — it has beautiful yellow flowers in the spring. WESTERN RED CEDAR A native evergreen with excellent fire resistance and a valuable landscape tree. SNOWBERRY A native shrub that produces white berries in the summer and fall. ALL IMAGES: WIKIPEDIA