Oregon Home Winter 24-25

4 | Oregon Home EDITOR’S NOTE ON MY SHELF Life Styled: Your Guide to a More Organized & Intentional Life by Shira Gill Ten Speed Press, December 2024 The Slow Down: For the Love of Home by Leanne Ford Harry N. Abrams, October 2024 Zoë Bakes Cookies: Everything You Need to Know to Make Your Favorite Cookies and Bars by Zoë François Ten Speed Press, September 2024 THE SEASON we call “the most wonderful time of the year” is almost over, but I’m a New Year girl through and through. The pace settles, my family hunkers down, and the only thing left to do at home is to cook something slow on the stovetop, snuggle and dream. Winter is made for the imagination — for leafing through magazines and books and having those important conversations about what comes next. Is this the year we work on our backyard (and get a real grill instead of that camping stove)? Will we use that garden bed for greens or tomatoes? How can we carve out more time together? And how do we adjust our spaces to reflect that? This issue is packed with stories of people who go all-in on home. Our main feature, “Shared View” (p. 33), steps into the home of a couple with deep roots in Oregon — and who is making plans with the next generation. And we have a story about a family just at the beginning of their adventure, that took an old Tumalo schoolhouse and remodeled it to suit their plans (“Schoolhouse Rocks,” p. 16). However you take to this time of possibility — whatever your cozy-season style — we hope you’ll discover in these pages some great ideas for how to shape this tiny world of your own creation. Your home awaits! Emily Grosvenor, Editor editor@oregonhomemagazine.com @emilygrosvenor PHOTO BY PRUETTE KARL Co Is as Co y Does