Oregon Home Magazine Summer 2023

WWW. STANDARDTVANDAPPL I ANCE. COM F E AT U R I N G BEST SERVICE. BEST SELECTION. BEST PEOPLE. B E N D 541.388.0088 HOLLYWOOD 503.542.5120 BEAVERTON 503.619.0500 PORTLAND 503.777.3377 CURATE YOUR KITCHEN. GET UP TO $2800 IN INSTANT SAVINGS WITH THE PURCHASE ON A QUALIFYING JENNAIR APPLIANCE PACKAGE. THE MORE YOU INDULGE, THE MORE YOU’LL SAVE. Make your culinary dreams come true with exclusive savings and certified professional installation on all JennAir appliance purchases. Experience the difference for yourself in our live kitchens in all our showrooms— including the largest live JennAir displays at our Beaverton, Portland and Bend locations. Proudly serving your community since 1947.