
⁄From the Editor⁄ Changing the Game I GREW UP IMMERSED IN THE WORLD of school sports, not because I played but because my older brother did. Then as now, I was only a casual sports fan, often wandering off in the direction of the concession stand or in search of other team siblings to play with. My mother, a compulsive multitasker, for years volunteered as the team’s scorekeeper, tracking runs with paper and pencil. By the time he was in high school (and my mother had traded the scorekeeper clipboard for a cross-stitch hoop), the team scorekeeper was joined by a local reporter with a notebook — sometimes a full-time reporter from a local paper, sometimes a stringer hired specifically to write up local games. While I never did the job myself, several of my journalist friends and colleagues cut their teeth recapping local athletic events for small papers. So I was fascinated when writer Rachel Saslow told me about an AI-enabled software tool that combines the role of the parent-scorekeeper and the community sports reporter. Called GameChanger, the app helps spectators keep track of plays during a game, then generates a prose story recapping the game. Saslow’s cover story for this issue (“Keeping Score,” p. 36) details GameChanger’s rapid ascent in the world of high school sports — and what it could mean for sports and sports journalism as a whole. This April Portland Community College nursing students learned that, due to the departure of the program’s director, their program was in danger of closing. The school quickly remedied the problem by hiring a new director, but as Amy Milshtein found when reporting “Nursing School Blues” (Spotlight, p 22), that momentary crisis was symptomatic of a much larger one: the shortage of educators who are willing and able to train the next generation of nurses. Milshtein looked at what PCC — and the state — are doing to fix the problem for the long term. Also for this issue, writer Tim Neville spoke to OSU-Cascades’ new dean and chancellor, Sherman Bloomer (Tactics, p. 12), and Sander Gusinow profiled Portland State University’s new president, Ann Cudd (“Course Correction,” p. 18). Both leaders step into their roles during crucial moments for their respective institutions—and amid rapid change for the communities where they are situated. While temperatures in Portland were in the low 90s during the final days of production for this issue, I found myself looking forward to the promise of autumn’s cooler, milder weather, and the sense of change and possibility that comes with a new school year. It’s hard to say what all the shifts we cover in this issue will mean in the long run — but we’ll be tracking them either way. VOLUME 46 ⁄ NUMBER 8 OREGON BUSINESS (ISSN 02798190) is published 10 times per year, monthly except Jul/Aug and Nov/Dec issues, by MEDIAmerica Inc. at 12570 S.W. 69th Ave., Suite 102, Portland OR 97223. Subscription inquiries should be directed to 503-445-8811. Subscription charge is $24.95 per year, $49.95 for two years in the USA. Single copies and back issues available at above address and at selected newsstands. The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Copyright © 2023 by MEDIAmerica Inc. All rights reserved. All material is protected by copyright and must not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Printed in Oregon. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portland, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oregon Business, 12570 S.W. 69th Ave., Suite 102, Portland OR 97223 EDITORIAL EDITOR Christen McCurdy ART DIRECTOR Joan McGuire STAFF WRITER Sander Gusinow STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Jason E. Kaplan COPY EDITOR Morgan Stone CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Amy Milshtein, Tim Neville, Rachel Saslow, Perry Stokes PUBLISHING PUBLISHER Courtney Kutzman EVENTS MANAGER Craig Peebles ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Evan Morehouse ADVERTISING AND PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Greta Hogenstad DIGITAL PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Alison Kattleman PRESIDENT AND CEO Andrew A. Insinga CONTROLLER Bill Lee BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN André W. Iseli PRESIDENT Andrew A. Insinga SECRETARY William L. Mainwaring TREASURER Win McCormack 6