Source: 28 Lewis & Clark Bank OREGON DEPOSITS: $246 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.24% OREGON BRANCHES: 3 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 3 HEADQUARTERS: OREGON CITY CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2006 29 Clackamas County Bank OREGON DEPOSITS: $242 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.23% OREGON BRANCHES: 4 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 4 HEADQUARTERS: SANDY CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1911 30 Homestreet Bank OREGON DEPOSITS: $236 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.23% OREGON BRANCHES: 3 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 55 HEADQUARTERS: SEATTLE, WASH. CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1921 31 Pacific West Bank OREGON DEPOSITS: $220 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.21% OREGON BRANCHES: 2 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 2 HEADQUARTERS: PORTLAND CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2004 32 First Citizens Bank & Trust Company OREGON DEPOSITS: $170 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.16% OREGON BRANCHES: 1 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 560 HEADQUARTERS: RALEIGH, NC CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1898 33 Bank of the Pacific OREGON DEPOSITS: $116 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.11% OREGON BRANCHES: 2 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 18 HEADQUARTERS: ABERDEEN, WASH. CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1971 34 Zions Bancorporation, N.A. OREGON DEPOSITS: $111 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.11% OREGON BRANCHES: 1 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 412 HEADQUARTERS: SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHARTER: FEDERAL YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1973 35 Idaho First Bank OREGON DEPOSITS: $13 MILLION OREGON MARKET SHARE: 0.01% OREGON BRANCHES: 1 BRANCHES WORLDWIDE: 7 HEADQUARTERS: BOISE, IDAHO CHARTER: STATE YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2005 Our Business is Yours Chomba Kaluba, Founder of Energy Iz Everything Your success is our success—and the success of our entire region! Our mission and purpose is clear: We support businesses of all types and sizes in succeeding and thriving throughout our region. U.S. Postal Service Statement of Ownership, Circulation 1) Title of publication: Oregon Business 2) Publication No.: 479-670 3) Date of filing: Oct. 1, 2023 4) Frequency of issue: Monthly except Jul/ Aug and Nov/Dec 5) No. of issues published annually: 10 6) Annual subscription price: $24.95 7) Complete mailing address of known office of publication: MEDIAmerica Inc., 12570 SW 69TH AVE STE 102 PORTLAND OR 97223 8) Complete mailing address of the headquarters or general business offices of the publisher: same as #7. 9) Full names and complete mailing address of Publisher, Editor and Managing Editor: Publisher: Courtney Kutzman, Editor: Christen McCurdy, Managing Editor: Christen McCurdy, MEDIAmerica Inc., 12570 SW 69TH AVE STE 102 PORTLAND OR 97223 10) Owner: MEDIAmerica Inc., 12570 SW 69TH AVE STE 102 PORTLAND OR 97223 William Mainwaring, 12570 SW 69TH AVE STE 102 PORTLAND OR 97223 Win McCormack, 12570 SW 69TH AVE STE 102 PORTLAND OR 97223 Andrew Insinga, 12570 SW 69TH AVE STE 102 PORTLAND OR 97223 11) Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1% or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None. 12) Tax Status: Not applicable. 13) Name of Publication: Oregon Business 14) Issue date for circulation data below: September 2023 15) Extent and Nature of Circulation: a) Total no. copies (net press run) Average: 6568. Single Issue; 6096. b1) Paid or requested mail subscriptions; Average: 4997. Single issue: 3364. b3) Paid sales through dealers, etc.; Average: 56 Single issue; 56. b4) Requested distributed by other mail classes, Average 0, Single issue: 0. c) Total paid and/or requested circulation; Average 5053. Single issue: 3420. d1) Non-requested distribution by mail; Average: 742. Single issue: 2118. d3) Non requested distributed by other mail classes, Average 440. Single issue: 469 d4) Non requested distribution outside the mail; Average: 338 Single issue: 120. e) Total non-requested distribution; Average 1520. Single issue: 2707 f) Total distribution; Average: 6573. Single issue: 6127. g) Copies not distributed; Office use, leftovers; Average: 4 Single Issue; 31. h) Total; Average: 6569. Single issue; 6096. i) Percent paid and/or requested circulation; Average: 76.88%. Single issue 55.87%. 16. a) Requested and paid Electronic Copies; Average: 3891. Single issue 3566. b) Total Requested and paid Print & Electronic Copies; Average 8944. Single issue 6986. c) Total Distribution; Average 10464. Single 9639. d) Percent paid and/ or requested print & electronic circulation; Average: 85.47%. Single issue 72.07%. 43