Oregon Business Magazine July August 2023

⁄From the Editor⁄ With Care THE STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARED in response to COVID-19 may have officially expired in May, but the effects of the pandemic are still with us. That was a recurring theme of nearly every conversation I had for this issue. Dr. Andy Mendenhall, reflecting on his first year as CEO of Central City Concern (Tactics, p. 14) talked about the ways COVID exacerbated existing mental health and substance abuse problems — and how it coincided with increased availability of fentanyl and a cheaper, more potent form of methamphetamine. And while investigating the rise of fentanyl use, I learned that the penalty for carrying fentanyl testing strips — which users of other drugs can use to determine whether what they are taking is contaminated—was higher than the penalty for carrying most drugs that could be laced with fentanyl. So for “To the Test” (p. 18), I spoke to lawmakers and advocates who were working to change that — and to a nightclub owner who was quietly flouting the law. One of the first stories I edited for Oregon Business described working conditions for nurses, who—one year into the pandemic —described being burned out and frustrated by long hours, inadequate staffing ratios and other difficult working conditions. Two years later, nurses are still frustrated — and they’re taking to the streets. For “From the Bedside to the Picket Line” (p. 24), Jason Kaplan and I talked to nurses about why caregivers in hospital systems all over the state have picketed, struck and voted to strike — and why they’ll continue to negotiate. As this issue went into production, two people were arrested after a clash involving counterdemonstrators at Oregon City’s Pride event. That event — and the increasing backlash against LGBTQ+ communities in Oregon and elsewhere — underscored the significance of the spaces featured in Andrew Jankowski’s story, “From Oregon With Pride” (p. 34), which discusses queer spaces around the state, with a particular focus on spaces and events outside larger cities. The story is “off-theme” for this issue—which focuses on health care — but describes a different kind of care: the kind of conscientiousness needed to create safe, welcoming spaces. In mid-June, Oregon’s Legislature reconvened, providing closure to two of these stories. A safe-staffing ratio bill championed by the Oregon Nurses Association passed, and so did a bill explicitly excluding fentanyl testing strips from the heavy penalties they previously carried. Legislators also passed an altered version of the bill that led to the walkout, protecting gender-affirming care and abortion rights. Along the way, we had a number of conversations with Oregonians who were frustrated by the impasse resulting from the walkout — and with those who were relieved when they finally took the care. VOLUME 46 ⁄ NUMBER 7 OREGON BUSINESS (ISSN 02798190) is published 10 times per year, monthly except Jul/Aug and Nov/Dec issues, by MEDIAmerica Inc. at 12570 S.W. 69th Ave., Suite 102, Portland OR 97223. Subscription inquiries should be directed to 503-445-8811. Subscription charge is $24.95 per year, $49.95 for two years in the USA. Single copies and back issues available at above address and at selected newsstands. The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Copyright © 2023 by MEDIAmerica Inc. All rights reserved. All material is protected by copyright and must not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Printed in Oregon. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portland, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oregon Business, 12570 S.W. 69th Ave., Suite 102, Portland OR 97223 EDITORIAL EDITOR Christen McCurdy christenm@oregonbusiness.com ART DIRECTOR Joan McGuire joanm@oregonbusiness.com STAFF WRITER Sander Gusinow sanderg@oregonbusiness.com STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Jason E. Kaplan jasonk@oregonbusiness.com COPY EDITOR Morgan Stone CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Andrew Jankowski, Barry Raber PUBLISHING PUBLISHER Courtney Kutzman courtneyk@oregonbusiness.com EVENTS MANAGER Craig Peebles craigp@oregonbusiness.com ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Evan Morehouse evanm@mediamerica.net ADVERTISING AND PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Greta Hogenstad gretah@mediamerica.net DIGITAL PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Alison Kattleman alisonk@mediamerica.net PRESIDENT AND CEO Andrew A. Insinga CONTROLLER Bill Lee BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN André W. Iseli PRESIDENT Andrew A. Insinga SECRETARY William L. Mainwaring TREASURER Win McCormack 6