Oregon Business Magazine July August 2023

⁄Powerlist⁄ Disclaimer: This list is compiled based on responses to a survey. Firms are not included if they do not respond to the survey. Disclaimer: This list is compiled based on responses to a survey. Firms are not included if they do not respond to the survey. Financial Planners Ranked by assets under management in Oregon and Southwest Washington Health Care Plans Ranked by Oregon and Southwest Washington members Editor’s Note: The version of the Financial Planners Powerlist that ran in the June 2023 issue of Oregon Business included two unintended omissions. In response, we have made changes to our survey process and recompiled the list. OB regrets the errors. 1 Jensen Investment Management AUM IN OR/SW WA: $10.8 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $13.1 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 7 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 32 2 Ferguson Wellman Capital Management and West Bearing Investments AUM IN OR/SW WA: $4.2 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $7.4 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 25 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 56 3 Becker Capital Management AUM IN OR/SW WA: $3 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $4.1 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 14 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 30 4 Aldrich Wealth AUM IN OR/SW WA: $2.2 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $4.7 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 17 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 25 5 Vista Capital Partners AUM IN OR/SW WA: $1.7 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $2 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 16 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 35 6 Arnerich Massena AUM IN OR/SW WA: $1.4 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $2.02 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 8 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 24 7 Pioneer Trust Bank AUM IN OR/SW WA: $1.1 BILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $1.1 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 8 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 22 8 Coldstream Wealth Management (formerly Rosenbaum Financial) AUM IN OR/SW WA: $683.1 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $6.6 BILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 6 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 11 9 Allen Trust Company AUM IN OR/SW WA: $600 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $600 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 7 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 13 10 IMS Capital Management AUM IN OR/SW WA: $356.7 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $356.7 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 6 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 10 11 Peregrine Asset Advisers AUM IN OR/SW WA: $310 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $350 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 2 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 2 12 Capstone Wealth Management Group AUM IN OR/SW WA: $170 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $220 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 4 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 2 13 SRM Advisors AUM IN OR/SW WA: $154 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $154 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 2 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 5 14 Advanced Wealth Management AUM IN OR/SW WA: $120 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $294.1 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 4 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 9 15 MCS Family Wealth Advisors AUM IN OR/SW WA: $65.9 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $148.9 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 2 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 2 16 The Legacy Group AUM IN OR/SW WA: $48 MILLION AUM WORLDWIDE: $52 MILLION LICENSED OR/SW WA. PROFESSIONALS: 1 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 2 1 Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 990,274 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 12,476 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 2,514 2 PacificSource Health Plans OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 508,901 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 7,124 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 1477 3 UnitedHealthcare of Oregon OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 420,966 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 27,144 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 1,651 4 Moda Health OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 389,028 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 23,000 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 1,300 5 Willamette Dental OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 245,000 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 101 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 746 6 Cigna Healthcare OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 122,000 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 9,400 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 30 7 AllCare Health OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 67,200 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 4,700 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 270 8 BridgeSpan Health OR & SW WA. MEMBERS: 431 PHYSICIANS SERVING OREGON: 12,476 OREGON EMPLOYEES: 15 Oregon’s Insured by the Numbers According to Oregon Health Authority data, 95.4% of Oregonians had health insurance in 2021. The percentage of insured Oregonians has climbed steadily upward since 2011, when 85.4% of Oregonians had health insurance. The raw number of Oregonians currently insured is 4 million; the number of Oregonians without insurance is 190,000. The climb has been most dramatic among younger Oregonians, with just 74.5% of Oregon residents between the ages of 19 and 34 having health insurance in 2011; by 2021, that number had increased to 91.6%. Insurance coverage increased by 1.4% between 2019 and 2021. Oregon seniors, by contrast, have remained consistently insured during the whole period of 2011-2021, likely due to Medicare coverage, leading to fluctuations of less than 1% during the whole 10-year period: 99.1% of seniors had insurance in 2021, as opposed to 99.2% in 2011. Oregonians living at 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL) were least likely to be insured, with 93.3% of lower-income Oregonians having insurance in 2021; 94.9% of Oregonians living somewhere between 138% and 400% of the FPL had insurance that year, and 96.9% of those at 400% of FPL or greater were insured. But the insurance rate among lower-income Oregonians also increased the most during the 2011-2021 time period, climbing upward from 74.1% in 2011. 42