THE FINANCE ISSUE \U2044Contents\U2044 \U2044OB Online\U2044 p \U2044From the Editor\U2044 DESIGN \U2044Newsfeed\U2044 MOBILE Ready to Remodel? 92.8% 12 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 13 14 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 15 Guiding your business Dr. Eric Brown 2021 Community Applause Award 2021 \U2044Profile\U2044 Kerri Leathers, principal RWF\U2019s portfolio includes Care- . 24 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 25 The city of Nyssa, seen Banks have closed Nyssa Mercantile Nyssa\U2019s city manager, BANKING SMALL says, most for new homes. Tat may not Building Communities, PREMIER BANKING, Funding from the Build Back Better Act has paved the T e concept isn\U2019t new: Buckminster Fuller Curtis Robinhold, the portation, Portland General Electric and U.S. Port of Portland\U2019s \U2044Powerlist\U2044 Staffing Firms WORK EXPERTS IN HEALTHY WORK October 8-10, 2021 \U2022 Expo Center \U2044Policy Brief\U2044 \U201CWe trust their guidance. And that has p
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