untitled THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ISSUE Walter Gordon Restoration \U2044Contents\U2044 \U2044OB Online\U2044 An opioid \U2044From the Editor\U2044 DESIGN \U2044Newsfeed\U2044 EMPLOYERS AND LAWYERS, 10 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 11 \U2044Tactics\U2044 JASON E. KAPLAN 14 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 15 \U2044Spotlight\U2044 A May survey of 3,000 accountants worldwide found that business consulting now Locally sourced WE START 20 BRAND STORY THE BEST TIME TO FLY THE BEST IS NOW Kobi Yamada, Compendium Creative inspirer \U2022 Soccer star \U2022 Outdoor world traveler Brandi Tuck, Portland Homeless Family Solutions \UE036\UE058\UE051\UE056\UE04B\UE04C\UE051\UE048\UE003\UE036\UE057\UE044\UE057\UE048\UE003\UE051\UE044\UE057\UE04C\UE059\UE048\UE003\UE158\UE003\UE039\UE04C\UE051\UE05C\UE04F\UE003\UE044\UE193\UE046\UE04C\UE052\UE051\UE044\UE047\UE052\UE003\UE158\UE003\UE027\UE055\UE04C\UE059\UE048\UE051\UE003\UE057\UE052\UE003\UE048\UE055\UE044\UE056\UE048\UE003\UE04B\UE052\UE050\UE048\UE04F\UE048\UE056\UE056\UE051\UE048\UE056\UE056 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: ROBOTS Kat Miller and Shiau Yen Chin-Dennis of K&L Gates\U2019 Portland office present AI software called \U201CKira\U201D during a video conference with an associate in the \U201CPart of our mission is to ensure access to legal services and the fairness \U201CIf you\U2019re not using the technology and you\U2019re missing important stuff, you job \U2014 or any legal professional\U2019s job, for that matter \U2014 can be ConcordiaMBA.com Experience inspired Living CHANGE MAKERS 1. Why does a company need a consultant? the consultant type? is a d not to be 6. How is the consultancy busi CHANGING LIVES, \U201CFirst Republic gets things done exceptionally fast. Pendleton is one of the 20 \U201Cmust visit\U201D BEST \U2044Powerlist\U2044 MBA PROGAMS Ranked by total enrolled (2019 academic year) WORK life takes you \U2044Policy Brief\U2044 Ready to Remodel? LET\U2019S CREATE AN EVENT http://www.inhousedigitalpublishing.com
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