Unknown RIFT Suzann Baricevic Murphy \U2044Contents\U2044 \U2044OB Online\U2044 \U2044From the Editor\U2044 Proud to be part of the Portland landscape. Hacking homelessness CARE ON DEMAND \U2044Spotlight\U2044 of-the-art plumbing technology. Plumbing is still BRAND STORY 13 14 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 15 \U2044Tactics\U2044 How have you increased diversifi cation in Oregon\U2019s public pension fund? \U2044Profile\U2044 young people to stay in this community is 22 \U201CFirst Republic\U2019s knowledge and guidance are helping us 24 BRAND STORY I have the power to THE The new vegans For a city that boasts vegan malls and The Sohr Nutrition JASON E. KAPLAN Plant-based 32 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 33 34 BRAND STORY 35 36 COLLABORATIVE SECTION \U2044 THE MBA REPORT UNIVERSITY | EST. 1893 38 COLLABORATIVE SECTION \U2044 THE MBA REPORT Hillsboro, OR 40 COLLABORATIVE SECTION \U2044 THE MBA REPORT LEARN WHILE Top Ranked. 503.370.6167 44 COLLABORATIVE SECTION \U2044 THE MBA REPORT MASTER 46 COLLABORATIVE SECTION \U2044 THE MBA REPORT The Oregon State A F tions is bigger because the world is more open to on more than a dozen boards of directors. Those volunteer experiences have A W The Oregon Community Foundation provides THINGS THAT \U2044By the numbers\U2044 \U2044By the numbers\U2044 WORK ENERGY COSTS TOO HIGH? \U2044Policy Brief\U2044 Home of the http://www.inhousedigitalpublishing.com
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