Unknown October 2016 | OregonBusiness.com \U2044Contents\U2044 \U2044From the Editor\U2044 Saving money doesn\U2019t have to be a balancing act. \U2044Feedback\U2044 \U2044Launch\U2044 salt, but it\U2019s Columbia Bank \U2044Spotlight\U2044 \U2044Spotlight\U2044 THESE ARE Making a home \U2044Profile\U2044 JLR has worked with 10 of approximately Creating the SUPER business problem-solver leaders Local businesses KAPLAN Lane declined to reveal revenues, but according to Fashion News, global company sales True BRAND STORY 21 CELEBRATING THIRTY YEARS BRAND STORY 23 24 BRAND STORY 26 THE DINING SCENE pulsing with energy. Couples sit at tables for two, while In 2015, for the the Portland metro area. \U201CTe value proposition of a restau- WANT TO TURN UP BRAND STORY 33 100 Best Nonprofits CONGRATS! 100 BEST NONPROFITS TO WORK FOR IN OREGON When a child who has been 100 BEST NONPROFITS TO WORK FOR IN OREGON COLLEGE 100 BEST NONPROFITS TO WORK FOR IN OREGON e 100 BEST NONPROFITS TO WORK FOR IN OREGON Working to 100 BEST NONPROFITS TO WORK FOR IN OREGON CONNECT MORE PEOPLE TO YOUR A SHIFTING Philanthropy is THE ARTS HEALTH AND RESEARCH I\U2019ll crush FOUR Home Front Walk the Talk A Voice for LEGAL BRIEFS The Oregon Community Foundation Join us for OEN\U2019s Annual 2016 Here\U2019s to Get our fast business Internet 60 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 61 \U201C We had never liked the banking part of business THE HEALTH CARE REPORT \U2044 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 63 66 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION \U2044 THE HEALTH CARE REPORT build a business that 68 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION \U2044 THE HEALTH CARE REPORT The most inspiring meeting Forest Floor... \U2044Powerlist\U2044 \U2044Powerlist\U2044 DECEMBER 6-7, 2015 KAPLAN SANDLER RULE # 52 WORK Family Business \U2044Storyteller-in-Chief\U2044 NEVER LET COMPROMISE DEFINE http://www.inhousedigitalpublishing.com
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