Unknown September 2015 | OregonBusiness.com \U2044Contents\U2044 \U2044From the Editor\U2044 Guest performers, \U2044Feedback\U2044 GOOD THINGS HAPPEN \U2044Newsfeed\U2044 Create a legacy. \U2044Launch\U2044 \U2044Spotlight\U2044 and are playing the role that Wheeler and \U2044Opinion\U2044 \U2044Office Space\U2044 job training, are fading as well. Even the \U2044Profile\U2044 and be enhanced by, Kaiser\U2019s hypo- KAPLAN Is Oregon losing ground in green-roof construction? 22 BRAND STORY BRAND STORY 23 24 BRAND STORY Business is good. BABY. BOOM! O O practice she calls \U201Cmaternity coaching.\U201D cubicles and \U201Chot desks,\U201D long tables where individuals Why is child care still so LIGHT IS THERE LIFE It\U2019s important to resist the How can we take Money talks: Jan Kurtz, is on the upswing. It wasn\U2019t always that Political science professor Darius Rejali Screening for F Some people don\U2019t like this process very Automated hiring The national average median age of BUSINESS LEADERSHIP EVENING 44 GOGREEN PORTLAND The cast of Dreamgirls. Photo by Patrick Weishampel/ BLANKEYE. THE LAW REPORT \U2044 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 47 48 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION \U2044 THE LAW REPORT WE HELP OUR CLIENTS flourish Think of us as your Wingman THE LAW REPORT \U2044 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 51 A LEGAL TOOL FOR NEARLY EVERY CHRIS NOBLE \U2044Style\U2044 KAPLAN The most inspiring meeting \U2044Powerlist\U2044 OSU Alumni Association Members Save 15% RANK Business Leaders Engaging Their World. \U2044Storyteller-in-Chief\U2044 THAT EXPECT MORE. http://www.inhousedigitalpublishing.com
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