January RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR’S DAY - Polar Bear Plunge February ALUTIIQ WEEK March ISLAND TRAIL NETWORK’S ANNUAL OUTDOOR FILM FESTIVAL islandtrails.org WHALE FEST KODIAK Celebrating the Eastern Pacific Gray Whale’s return to Alaskan waters. Facebook.com/groups/WhaleFestKodiak April APRIL 15-17 COMFISH ALASKA Kodiak’s annual fisheries trade show features seminars, forums, vendor booths and commercial fisheries education. comfishalaska.com May MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND • MAY 22-26 KODIAK CRAB FESTIVAL Kodiak’s annual celebration of the seafood industry. Locals wait all year for this event. Plan ahead and book early for this event. kodiakcrabfest.com July JULY 1 - LABOR DAY ADJUST YOUR ALTITUDE HIKING CHALLENGE Kodiak.org/adjustyouraltitude August PILGRIMAGE TO MONKS’ LAGOON Russian Orthodox believers pay tribute to Saint Herman by making a pilgrimage to Spruce Island. September KODIAK RODEO & STATE FAIR kodiakrodeostatefair.com October RUN THE ROCK MARATHON 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Full Marathon. kmxt.org/run_the_rock December HARBOR LIGHTS FESTIVAL Spend an evening looking at the lights while you sip hot cocoa and vote on the best decorated vessel. kodiakmaritimemuseum.com KODIAK.ORG | 31 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN KODIAK 2025 EVENTS In addition to these regularly scheduled events, Kodiak is rich in arts events and activities. Please check out both kodiakarts.org for events and our community calendar located at kodiakchamber.com. Explore. Hike. Elevate. July - September Visit Discover Kodiak to register and get your sticker! Foothills A�A�K� Summits Summits Foothills