KODIAK.ORG 23 The Alutiiq Museum is Kodiak’s youngest cultural organization, but it tells one of the region’s oldest stories. Founded in 1995, this Alaska Native non-profit preserves and shares the heritage of the Alutiiq / Sugpiaq people—Kodiak residents for over 7,500 years. The museum is a culture center, a research hub, and a visitor attraction. Here, people of all heritages participate in programs exploring Alutiiq traditions. A recent renovation expanded the museum’s public spaces and opportunities for engagement. In a colorful exhibit hall, visitors find displays tied to Alutiiq values—the stewardship of lands, family, and heritage. Artifacts, photographs, and contemporary art share Alutiiq history and traditions. A complete 19thcentury kayak is among the most popular. Each display helps visitors imagine the past while showcasing the vibrant Native culture of today. Another essential stop is the Alutiiq Museum Store featuring the work of Alutiiq and local artists. The store sells handmade creations reflecting the Alutiiq world and helps to perpetuate beading, skin sewing, carving, and other cultural arts. Every sale fuels additional expression and education. For those who want to dig deeper, the second-floor Koniag Cultural Library holds nearly 4,000 volumes on Alaska Native heritage and the Kodiak environment. The library has many unique reference items. It is publicly accessible during museum business hours. Just behind the museum lies the Alutiiq Ancestors’ Memorial. End your tour of Native heritage with a visit to this city park honoring the Alutiiq people. Signs discuss the repatriation of ancestral remains and a memorial arch records each ancestor brought home. Then rest on benches with a stunning view of Chiniak Bay and reflect on the value of understanding community history. Susan Malutin, a renowned skin sewer in her home studio, courtesy of Alutiiq Museum. Alutiiq couple with fox and bear pelts: Tweten family collection, Alutiiq Museum, AM962:33, courtesy of Donene Tweten and Julia Wolkoff. KODIAK.ORG | 23