Discover Kodiak 2025

22 | 2025 KODIAK, AK VISITORS GUIDE Walk to the east end of Center Avenue and you will find the historic heart of downtown Kodiak. Pieces of local heritage surround Sargent Park documenting the archipelago’s unique environment and cultures. You can study a grey whale skeleton at the Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. You can explore Alaska’s oldest historic building, now home to the Kodiak History Museum. Or walk a block up Mission Road to immerse yourself in Native traditions at the Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository. learn about the culture Above Courtesy of the Alutiiq Museum: Pannioiak, Kodiak Island woman, watercolor painting by Cheryl Lacy, 2023. Alutiiq Museum collections, AM1075:08, purchased with support from Rasmuson Foundation. Visiting History the Alutiiq people