Discover Kodiak 2025

The fishing fleet is always coming and going to deliver fish, and head out for another catch. The Port of Kodiak is the state’s largest and most diverse fishing port and is consistently ranked among the nation’s top four commercial fishing centers. Many of the 600+ boats in Kodiak’s fleet are locally owned and pass-through families for generations. The U.S. Coast Guard is always ready to assist the fishing fleet and other mariners, with its largest base situated just south of the City of Kodiak. From this strategic location, the Coast Guard deploys a variety of assets, including ships, helicopters, and aircraft, to carry out patrols and rescue operations across Alaska’s vast waters. In addition to search-and-rescue missions, the Coast Guard plays a vital role in communications, navigation support, fisheries enforcement, and marine safety, fulfilling a broad range of responsibilities to ensure the safety and security of the region. KODIAK.ORG | 21 Here in Kodiak, the call of the sea is strong.