Hawaii Parent

HAWAII YOUTH OPERA CHORUS (HYOC) Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus’ annual summer intensive program, OPERAtunities, will be held this June and is open to all students entering grade 5 through graduating seniors. Come develop and hone performance skills, solo singing skills, and acting as a singing performer while also learning Hawaiian culture, history, and legends—all while making new friends and having fun! This year, we will be debuting our summer opera performance, Scales, based on an original Native Hawaiian story about magical dragons who live on Maui. No previous experience is necessary, and boys and girls in grades K-12 are welcome to join. Students will also have the opportunity to sing beautiful and diverse music from around the world, including Hawaiian, opera, and folk traditions. Come sing, learn, and grow with Hawaii’s oldest and most advanced community youth choir today! 52 HAWAII PARENT March/April 2025 INTELLEYOU LEARNING CENTER Intelleyou Learning Center offers students in kindergarten through 12th grade a fun, educational experience this summer. Students may choose study programs in math, reading, and writing. Intelleyou also provides preparation for entrance exams such as the SSAT, SAT, and ACT. Flexible schedules allow students to choose study times and days. Intelleyou has an open enrollment policy that allows students to begin classes any day. Classes are small and individualized, with no more than five students, so each student’s needs are met. On the first day of the term, a free diagnostic test will determine each child’s ability level, and appropriate study material will be given. At the end of the term, a final test will measure progress. The Intelleyou staff has 20 years of teaching experience, allowing students to reach their full potential and academic goals. This program builds self-confidence that will carry over into the classroom in the fall.