Hawaii Parent

42 HAWAII PARENT March/April 2025 KAIMUKI CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Summer is just around the corner, and our students can’t wait to have fun! Kaimuki Christian School(KCS) offers an educational and interactive summer program, rooted in biblical values, quality academics, and wholesome development of children at all levels. Students from all schools are welcome, kindergarten through HANAHAU‘OLI SCHOOL This summer, Hanahauʻoli School is offering enriching learning opportunities at our Makiki campus. Full and half-day options are available for JK-4th grade students from June 16 through July 18. A week-long camp is offered for grades K-4 from July 21-25. Students are invited to join in multi-age child-centred, collaborative and interactive experiences, aimed at building the foundation and skills needed for life-long learning and engagement in our ever-changing world. Preference will be given to students who meet HIDOE Free or Reduced Lunch Eligibility status (documentation required). JK-4th Grade Summer School Program: We welcome students to play and learn together through multidisciplinary units. Morning and whole-day options are offered at each level. Children will enjoy age-appropriate, engaging, hands-on experiences while practicing foundational skills. Summer programs are open to all, but space is limited.