Hawaii Parent

Summer – the word that causes children across the country to breath a sigh of relief. It’s a magical time where children don’t feel the pressures of academics, and each day is filled with endless possibilities. There’s just something so different about the summer months: the smell of dad firing up the grill, the long golden beams of light as the sun slips below the horizon and the carefree giggles of children lost in their own imaginations. Children take advantage of the extended hours of sunlight to jump rope, ride bikes and play make believe with friends – all without a care in the world. Summer is a time that evokes some of our most cherished childhood memories, from taking family trips to discovering a talent for playing the piano. This is the time to enrich your keiki’s childhood and create long-lasting memories for them to celebrate for years to come. If summertime offers a world of possibilities including summer camp, music lessons, math enrichment, dance and swimming, where do you begin? Consider all your options, and make a decision based on your child’s needs and interests. INCLUDE YOUR CHILD IN THE PROCESS It’s important to listen to your child’s desires and pick up clues about his or her interests. Nurture their interest in music by suggesting guitar or singing lessons. If they don’t particularly enjoy it, it’s only for the summer, and it could steer you closer to determining where their true passions lie. Make sure to research different possibilities before presenting them to your child. You want to be aware of your summer budget and how much you feel comfortable spending. Presenting the options beforehand might cause the little one to get her hopes up if her desired activity is out of your price range. CAMP OPTIONS Day camp is great for families because it offers half or full day options. The hours 32 HAWAII PARENT March/April 2025