YMCA SPRING DAY CAMP March 17 to 21 The YMCA offers enriching intersession full and half-day programs for elementary students on break. Activities include recre28 HAWAII PARENT March/April 2025 Christian Academy March 7, April 25, June 6 Honolulu, HI 96819 www.capatriots.org Assets School Grades K-8: April 17 Grades High School: April 3 Honolulu, HI 96818 www.assets-school.org Friendship Christian School Grades K-12 May 2 Ewa Beach, HI 96706 www.fcshawaii.org ational swimming, sports, games, arts and crafts, music and dance, stories and drama, and weekly excursions. Call your local Y for more information or register online at www.ymcahonolulu.org. KAMA'AINA KIDS SPRING CAMP March 17 to 21 At Camp Kamaaina Kids, children in grades K-6 have the opportunity to build friendships, learn new skills, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Their intersession day camps provide adventure and curriculum focused on developing skills through fun hands-on activities and projects. Register online at www.kamaainakids.com. LEARN TO SURF & PADDLE WAI KAI LINEUP Wai Kai’s popular Na Opio Kai (ocean youth) program teaches kids the fundamental skills of surfing and paddle sports through wave and lagoon activities such as surf sessions, outrigger canoes, SUP, kayaks, and surf skis. The summer program also includes lessons on water safety, waterman etiquette, and much more. Afterschool, weekend, and school holiday break programs are available. Learn more and book today at www.waikai.com.