to do an activity is no exception. Many factors can affect where you go or how often you go to a particular activity. Here is a guide to help ensure that the day is glitch and worry free so you can focus on what’s really important, your family! LOCATION Location is extremely important to consider when planning a family outing. Do you want to stay close to home and not have to worry about the dreaded, “Are we there yet?” This is a good idea for younger children that may get cranky and want a nap in the middle of the day. Plan a morning or afternoon activity and still have ample time to eat and rest at home. Parents with older kids might want to round up the family and spend the day discovering a part of the island that is not so familiar. This can be very exciting because the kids get to experience a completely new environment, which adds a fresh outlook to the otherwise monotonous everyday grind. Planning to go far from home also takes extra planning because kids can get cranky! Even if your child is older, the long drive might cause him or her to become irritable. Keep some games and books in the car, or even play a game of “I Spy” out the window. The child’s attention is drawn to the outdoors and he is having fun while simultaneously learning about his surroundings. Also, keep gas prices in mind. A farther commute means more gas March/April 2025 HAWAII PARENT 145