Hawaii Parent

tread water is also a good survival skill. It does require a lot of energy, so if you train to tread water, you most likely will be a stronger swimmer,” Smith illuminates. “Learning to swim 25 yards without stopping is great for survival, especially in a pool setting. No matter the size of the pool, if you can make it 25 yards you should be able to safely swim to the side.” Sign up for swim lessons. To master these water survival skills, sign up for swimming classes! Swim lessons not only will help children (and adults) to swim safely but can also develop a healthy lifelong hobby. Wiki Wiki Swim School offers “private one-on-one lessons for all ages and skill levels in the comfort of your home or condo pool. We teach safety and survival first then move on to strokes. We offer swim team prep and swim training for triathletes,” Smith explains. ably already expended all their energy. Often drowning occurs silently, and those around don’t know the person is in trouble until they are under the water and not moving or responding,” says Smith. Master survival swim skills. A few swimming survival skills can greatly reduce the risk of drowning and can be mastered by children who are as young as one year old. “Top survival skills to prevent drowning include learning to float on your back and learning to roll over to your back,” Smith expounds. “Being able to float on your back can allow you to rest and catch your breath if you ever find yourself out of energy and out of breath.” Besides these basic survival skills, more swimming practice can lead to the mastering of advanced skills, lessening the chance of drowning greatly. “Learning to It is recommended to introduce children to the water before they can crawl or walk because this is when they can get into bodies of water that could potentially be very dangerous. “A struggling swimmer might not always be apparent…” 136 HAWAII PARENT March/April 2025