for the most up to date Covid-19 recommendations. PAVED PATHS Makapuu Point Lighthouse Trail Off Kalanianaole Highway, Makapuu Point Lighthouse Trail is a view-packed passage with moderate incline to the 647foot summit. ( Go selfie crazy with the epic backdrop capturing Oahu’s eastern shoreline, offIt’s interesting how the road less traveled so often delivers the richest rewards. Such is the case with Oahu’s off-the-beaten path hiking experiences that often convert newbies into nature lovers for life. If you’re hungry for recreation that inspires with beautiful settings and eco- education, it’s time to hit the trail on these family-friendly foot excursions. Since routes at Manoa Falls, Diamond Head and Makapu‘u Point are highly hyped, expect company. Unless noted, adventures are free. Please check local and state guidelines by Dawna L. Robertson 120 HAWAII PARENT March/April 2025