Hawaii Parent Nov-Dec 24

78 HAWAII PARENT November/December 2024 It will, believe it or not, increase how much you get done each day. WHAT GOES OUT, MUST GO IN One of the biggest things that parents forget to do is to care for themselves physically. Maintaining a healthy diet as well as keeping yourself hydrated makes all the difference in our attitude and opinions of each day. Don’t skip breakfast to save time, carry a water bottle with you throughout your busy agenda, have a preconceived plan for lunch. One of the biggest parts of self-care is consciously choosing what goes into your body. If you work for it, it will work for you and denying yourself basic health needs will only add to your stress, exhaustion and desire for satiation. Also included in this category is something we all need more of… SLEEP. Don’t neglect or underestimate the effect that a lack of sleep will have on your ability to perform any and all tasks. Rest well, rest often and make sure that your sleep schedule is a priority. DON’T GIVE UP Making selfcare a part of your parenting routine not only benefits you but also benefits your family. With just a few small steps and added changes – making yourself feel a part of something bigger and feeling loved by yourself and others around you – you can fill your cup each day, ensuring that there is enough of you to fulfill the others who need you most. “Making self-care a priority not only benefits you but also benefits your family.”