Hawai Military Guide - Winter-Spring 2025

Camping: hawaii.usmc-mccs.org/recreation-fitness/camping Beaches: hawaii.usmc-mccs.org/recreationfitness/beaches LOOKING AROUND Kaneohe Air Station was the first place on Oahu to be bombed by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941. Many of the original buildings are still standing. There is a memorial marker on Kansas Tower marking the spot of the first Japanese Zero shot down. MCBH is an ecological treasure that hosts ancient Hawaiian burial grounds and a colony of red-footed booby birds above the rifle range on Ulupau Crater. In 2014, the base was the recipient of the Secretary of the Navy Ecology Award for cultural resources management. If you’re into the environment and want to view some of the rare species of birds that dwell on base, check out the Nuupia Ponds that homes the endangered Hawaiian Stilt Bird. MCBH-Kaneohe Bay 361 Mokapu Recreational Lodging Beach Cottages