MCBH-Kaneohe Bay 355 42. HITT Center (1034) 43. HQ 3rd Marines 44. Chapel (6677) Post Office (6644) 45. Child Development Centers Laulima CDC (6782) Kupulau CDC (6111) 46. Mokapu Mall Food Court, Dry Cleaning & Alterations and GNC (6477) 47. Marine Mart, Gas Lanes, and Firestone (1677) 48. Commissary (6088) Koolau Credit Union (6088) 49. Marine Mart, Barbershop, Infinitea, Panda Express 50. Mokapu Gate 51. Barber Shop, UPS Store and Starbucks (6477) MARINE CORPS BASE HAWAII-KANEOHE BAY 28. Fire Station 29. Marine Mart, Gas Lanes and Subway (3071) 30. Main Gate, Pass Office (H-3) 31. Inns of the Corps (6534) 32. Kahuna’s Lanai Sports Bar & Grill (1629) 33. Pop Warner Field 34. Rigeley Baseball Field 35. Semper Fit Center (3037) 36. Child Development Center ASYMCA (455) 37. Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course, Klipper Grill and SNCO Club (3088) 38. Kulia Fitness Center (6753) 39. Housing Office (1571) 40. Mokapu Elementary School 41. HQ CLB3