Hawai Military Guide - Winter-Spring 2025

Ala Moana & Kakaako 224 MOKU KITCHEN Bringing Hawaii’s rich upcountry farming and ranching heritage to the Kakaako urban lifestyle, Moku Kitchen serves decadent dishes alongside craft beers, sustainable wines and creative beverages. 660 Ala Moana Blvd No. 145 mokukitchen.com MERRIMAN’S A pioneer of the farm-to-table movement in Hawaii, Peter Merriman showcases his great food at his Ward Village location, and the restaurant’s lively whimsical ambiance is sure to create a memorable meal. 1108 Auahi Street merrimanshawaii.com TWO TIDES BAR Inside Ward Village’s Whole Foods Market, Two Tides Bar serves craft beer and wines along with grilled entrees. Take-out can also be easily ordered to pick up fresh eats after a grocery shopping excursion. 388 Kamakee Street 100 wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/queen CONSOLIDATED THEATRES AT WARD With reclining seats and TITAN LUX sound, Consolidated Theatres Ward is a great place to relax and watch a movie. Their café menu also mixes traditional movie snacks with heartier food offerings, like a Banh Mi-style hot dog. Beer and wine are also available! 1044 Auahi Street consolidatedtheatres.com/ward/cafe GENKI SUSHI Eat where the locals eat! As the pioneers of revolving conveyor belt sushi, Genki Sushi has become a household name in Hawaii by combining traditional sushi with modern technology. Check out one of their 12 locations and see why Genki Sushi has been voted Hawaii’s best sushi serving local families for 31 years. 53 BY THE SEA Open the door to the elaborate double staircase and then sit down to a relaxing lunch or dinner with an astonishing view of Diamond Head and Waikiki. 53 by the Sea serves upscale dishes with fresh ingredients – making a meal to remember. 53 Ahui Street 53bythesea.com 4 5 6 7 8 9